
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

For the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 CLICK HERE (Size: 4.3 MB, Format: PDF, Language: Hindi)

For the University Grant Commission (Prevention, prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher education institutions) Regulations, 2015 CLICK HERE (Size: 11.8 MB, Format: PDF, Language: Hindi)


  1.     Dr. K. Syamala, (Associate Professor), Presiding Officer
  2.     Ms. Raabia Abuzer Shams, (Assistant Professor), Member
  3.     Mr. Anubhav Kumar, (Assistant Professor), Member
  4.     Mr. Alok Ranjan, (Non-teaching), Member
  5.     Mrs. Neeta Sen, (Non-teaching), Member
  6.     Dr. Rashmi, Director, Santosh College of Teachers Training Education, External Member

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